Let's Walk Oceania - Lets IDUS

To start the challenge
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Steps to complete together
Days to complete it

A little more info

Hello and welcome to FISU Oceania's walking challenge - Let's Walk Oceania!

In 2022, FISU Oceania will celebrate International Day of University Sport by walking (virtually) around the Oceania region. Let's Walk Oceania is a way for all university students and staff to contribute to positive health and wellbeing whilst celebrating sport. Collectively we will walk 20,197km over the month of September. Will you rise to the challenge and help us reach our goal?

How it works

As individuals or teams, everyone involved in the challenge will walk each day. The distance walked each day will collectively tally towards the total kilometers it takes to visit each National University Sport Federation in the region of Oceania. That's 20,197km in total. 

Anyone can enter from anywhere. As this is a virtual walk - its easy to take part, no matter where you are in the world. 

About FISU Oceania

FISU Oceania is one of five Continental University Sport Federations. Our Federation aims to increase the impact of university sport in the Oceania region via leadership, development, engagement and partnerships. Visit our website for more information: www.fisuoceania.com 

About International Day of University Sport

The International Day of University Sport is celebrated annually on 20 September. Officially proclaimed by the United Nations Education, Science and Culture Organisation (UNESCO), this celebration helps bring university communities together and showcases sport and physical activity as positive influences to physical and mental health. Affectionately knows as IDUS, the event will bring the global university community together for a united celebration. 

Known as IDUS, the day is celebrated globally with universities, National University Sport Federation and Continental University Sport Federations hosting activities and celebrations.

Helpful hints

Wanting to use the app on your phone?

  • Step 1 Download the iPhone or Android app on your phone.

  • Step 2 On the first screen input "fisuoceania" when it asks for your challenge website address

  • Step 3 Sign in with the same e-mail address you registered with online, or create a new account if you don't already have one.

  • Step 4 Enjoy the challenge!